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1 HappyBenghazi  Thu, Apr 7, 2011 10:37:53am

Bob Marshall came very close to being the Republican nominee for AG a few years back. I just wanted to clarify that lest people think he's some fringe nut here in Virginia. And fuck him and his hateful lies about gay couples. My cousin and his partner are both successful in their jobs and are wonderful parents.

2 elizajane  Thu, Apr 7, 2011 10:51:49am

You know, I try really hard to just transcend this sort of bullshit. Sometimes it is hard, though.

Let me just say that perfect, mom-and-apple-pie, middle-American ordinary families can be the WORST people to adopt kids. A lot of children who are available for adoption now have problems -- emotional, physical, what have you. Poor pre-natal care, drug addicted mothers, early neglect and abuse, multiple foster placements, orphanage cruelty overseas. Really, there are many problems, visible and invisible. Some "ordinary" families can shift gears and deal with this, but others honestly cannot.

Perfect families are ill-equipped to deal with children who are not perfect. They think that love is enough, and that their own normalcy will make the child become normal. They don't know how to network and find support because they've never needed it. They don't know how to deal with their child being stigmatized and bullied because they were always on the other end of things.

The very people who various asshats try to prevent from adopting -- single parents, gay couples -- are exactly excellent at dealing with kids with problems. They know how to reach out for help. They understand that great kids can have special needs. They understand what it feels like to be different. In a reality where much adoption is trans-racial, trans-cultural, trans-national, and of older children, these are the people who should be encouraged to adopt!

I speak as the co-mom of 3 kids, 2 adopted as special needs, all as older children, all pretty darned fantastic.

3 calochortus  Thu, Apr 7, 2011 2:43:34pm

I was struck by the use of the word "disordered". I think that's exactly the problem as he perceives it. The "natural order", the hierarchy of man over woman that should exist within marriage can't be there in a same-sex union. I think he's nuts...

4 jaunte  Thu, Apr 7, 2011 6:55:12pm

re: #2 elizajane

I'll just quote that for emphasis:

Perfect families are ill-equipped to deal with children who are not perfect. They think that love is enough, and that their own normalcy will make the child become normal. They don't know how to network and find support because they've never needed it. They don't know how to deal with their child being stigmatized and bullied because they were always on the other end of things.

The very people who various asshats try to prevent from adopting -- single parents, gay couples -- are exactly excellent at dealing with kids with problems.

5 moderatelyradicalliberal  Fri, Apr 8, 2011 1:15:08am

This is actually the most ridiculous part of what he said:

Morals don’t change. The moral law’s the same 1,000 years ago, 6,000 years ago—civil law can change

So, I guess that means just because civil laws has made it illegal to own slaves, have multiple wives or have sex with 12 year olds, it's still morally OK because these things were morally OK 1000 years ago?

Fuck these ignorant and bigoted people.

6 HappyBenghazi  Fri, Apr 8, 2011 7:21:49am

re: #5 moderatelyradicalliberal

This is actually the most ridiculous part of what he said:

So, I guess that means just because civil laws has made it illegal to own slaves, have multiple wives or have sex with 12 year olds, it's still morally OK because these things were morally OK 1000 years ago?

Fuck these ignorant and bigoted people.

That's a great point.

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